Alex Y. Huang, MD, PhD

Dr. Huang received a B.S. in chemistry and an M.S. in biochemistry and molecular biology from the University of Chicago. He then entered the medical scientist training program at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine where he completed his Ph.D. thesis in the laboratory of Drew M. Pardoll, M.D., Ph.D. Dr. Huang’s Ph.D. thesis included studying the process of in vivo tumor-antigen cross-presentation by bone marrow derived professional antigen presenting cells and identified the dominant MHC class-I restricted tumor rejection antigen, AH-1, in a murine colon tumor model.
After completing pediatric residency at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Dr. Huang entered the combined pediatric hematology/oncology clinical fellowship training program at Johns Hopkins Hospital and the National Cancer Institute. While a postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Dr. Ronald N. Germain in the Laboratory of Immunology at NIAID, Dr. Huang received the Cancer Research Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship Award and was among the first to develop the new technique of intravital 2-photon laser scanning microscopy in studying immune cell migration and interaction in secondary lymphoid organs and the gastrointestinal track in vivo.
In 2006, Dr. Huang joined the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine faculty as an Assistant Professor in the Division of Pediatric Hematology / Oncology at Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital - Rainbow / Seidman Cancer Center (formerly Ireland Cancer Center) with a secondary faculty appointment in the Department of Pathology, Biomedical Engineering and General Medical Sciences, with membership in the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center. Currently, Dr. Huang is also the director of clinical fellowship program in Pediatric Hematology / Oncology, and the holder of the Theresia G. & Stuart F. Kline Family Foundation Chair in Pediatric Oncology since 2014. Dr. Huang was promoted to Associate Professor in 2012, tenured in 2014, and Professor in 2017. Currently, Dr. Huang is a member of the St. Baldrick's Foundation Scientific Advisory Board, Executive Scientific Committee of the Harrington's Discovery Institute, leader of the Tumor Immunology & Immunotherapy interest group, leader of the Cancer Immunotherapy Initiative, as well as co-leader of the Immune Oncology (formerly Hematopoiesis & Immune Cell Biology) Scientific Program at the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center.
Dr. Huang’s laboratory research program is focused on adapting intravital 2-photon laser scanning microscopy to study various aspects of in vivo immunity and pathogenesis. These efforts include investigating the role of tumor microenvironment in immune cell recruitment and tolerance induction, interplay between chronic inflammatory conditions with carcinogenesis of the gastrointestinal track, regulation of T cell receptor activation by inflammatory chemokines, and mechanisms of pathogenic lymphocyte recruitment induction in animal models of multiple sclerosis.
Contact Dr. Huang at: alex.y.huang@case.edu
Dr. Huang's Bio:
Academic Appointment:
Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine / University Hospitals Case Medical Center / Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital
Professor, Department of Pediatrics, 2017
Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics, 2012
Associate Director, Clinical Fellowship, Division of Pediatric Hematology / Oncology
Secondary Faculty, Department of Pathology; Department of Biomedical Engineering; Department of General Medical Sciences
Member, Case Comprehensive Cancer Center
Member, CWRU MSTP Steering Committee
Leader, CaseCCC Program 2: Tumor Immunology & Immunotherapy Focus Group
Member, Scientific Advisory Committee, St. Baldrick's Foundation
Member, Executive Scientific Committee, Harrington Discovery Institute
Member, Scientific Planning Committee, Pediatric Scientific Interest Group, Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplant Consortium (PBMTC)
Panel, CWRU-UH Task Force on Physician-Scientist Work Force
Member, National Cancer Moonshot Initiative Blue Ribbon Panel, Cancer Immunotherapy & Prevention Working Group
Education & Employment
1986-1990 B.S. with Honors, Department of Chemistry, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
1988-1990 M.S., Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Program, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
1990-1997 M.D, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
1990-1997 Ph.D., Biochemistry, Cellular & Molecular Biology Program, Johns Hopkins U., Baltimore, MD
1997-2000 Pediatric Resident, Department of Pediatrics, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD
2000-2003 Clinical Fellow, Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, Johns Hopkins Hospital/National Cancer Institute, MD
2003-2006 Postdoctoral Fellow, Lymphocyte Biology Section, Laboratory of Immunology, NIAID, NIH, Bethesda, MD
2006-current Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatric
2007-current Fellowship Director; Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital / Case Western Reserve University SOM, Cleveland, OH
2012-current Associate Professor, Departments of Pediatrics and Pathology
2013-current Associate Professor, General Medical Sciences
2014-current Associate Professor with tenure, Department of Pediatrics
2017-current Professor of Pediatrics
2017-current Visiting Professor, Taipei Medical University
State Medical Licensure
State Medical Board of Ohio
Maryland Board of Physician Quality Assurance
Specialty Board
2000-2007 Board Certified, American Academy of Pediatrics
2009-2019 Board Certified, Pediatric Hematology / Oncology
2007-2027 Board Re-certification, American Academy of Pediatrics
Professional Society
1992-1997 American Medical Association
1997-2001 American Board of Pediatrics (ABP)
2004-2005 American Society of Cell Biology (ASCB)
2007-current American Society of Pediatric Hematology Oncology (ASPHO)
2008-current Microscopy Society of America
2009-current ASM International - the Materials Information Society
2010-current Association of Pediatric Program Directors
2011-current American Association of Immunologists (AAI)
2011-current American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
2014-current Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC)
2014-current American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)
2014-current Cancer Immunotherapy Consortium (CRI)
2014-current American Society of Bone Marrow Transplant (ASBMT)
Funding History
1990-1997 Medical Scientist Training Program, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
2001-2003 T32 Research Training Grant, JHH/NIH
2003-2006 Postdoctoral Fellowship Award, Cancer Research Institute, New York, NY
2007-2008 American Cancer Society Institutional Research Grant #IRG-91-022-12
2007-2010 Dana Foundation, New York, NY
2007-2011 Investigator Award, Cancer Research Institute, New York, NY
2008-2013 K12 Career Development Award, Department of Pediatrics, CWRU
2008-2011 Medical Research Award, Gabrielle's Angel Foundation, New York, NY
2008-2011 St. Baldrick's Foundation Career Development Award
2008-2009 Hyundai Motors of America "Hope-on-Wheels" Scholar Program
2010-2011 National Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Center Pilot Grant
2011-2012 Case Comprehensive Cancer Center Imaging Pilot Grant
2011-2016 NIH / National Cancer Institute R01
2011-2013 NIH / National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases R21
2012-2017 NIH / NHLBI R01 (Co-I)
2011-2013 St. Baldrick's Foundation Career Development Award Extension Grant
2012-2014 Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation Innovator Award
2012-2014 NIH / National Cancer Institute R01 Diversity Supplement Award
2013-2015 Hyundai Hope-on-Wheels Program Hope Award
2013-2017 NIH / NHLBI R01 (Co-I)
2014-2015 Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation High Impact Award
2015-2016 St. Baldrick's Foundation Infrastructure Award
2015-2017 NIH / NCI R21
2015-2019 ACS Scholar Award (Co-I)
2015-2017 Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation Innovator Award
2015-2016 St. Baldrick's Foundation Research Award (Co-PI)
2015-2016 Case Comprehensive Cancer Center AYA Pilot Grant on Sarcoma
2015-2016 Case Comprehensive Cancer Center AYA Pilot Grant NK Cell Immunotherapy (Co-I)
2016-2018 Hyundai Hope-on-Wheels Senior Researcher Award
2015-2016 Case Comprehensive Cancer Center P30 Pilot Grant in Molecular Oncology
2015-2020 NIH / NIBIB P40 (Co-I; TR&D 4)
2016-2021 NIH / NIAID R01 (Sub-contract PI)
2017-2019 Harrington Discovery Institute Fellow
2017-2019 NIH / NCI R21
2017-2019 NIH / NCI R03 (Co-I)
2017-2020 Inaugural SBF Innovation Award
2018-2021 PCRF Basic Science Award
2018-2019 Case Comprehensive Cancer Center AYA Pilot Grant on Metastatic Osteosarcoma
Honors & Awards
1989 Richter Undergraduate Research Scholar, The University of Chicago
1990 Sigma Xi Scientific Research Award, The University of Chicago
1990 Sigma Xi Research Society
1990 Phi Beta Kappa
1990 Undergraduate Research Science Award, The University of Chicago
1996 The Michael A. Shanoff Research Award, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
1997 David E. Rogers, M.D. Award, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
1998 Junior Achievement Award, NIH-FDA Chinese American Association
2003 Honorable Mention, Fellow Research Day Poster Session,
The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins
2003 Award for Best Light Microscopy Presentation,
Chesapeake Society for Microscopy, MD
2005 Fellows Award for Research Excellence (FARE),
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD
2005 Top Poster Submission, Cancer Vaccines 2005,
International Cancer Immunotherapy Symposia Series,
Cancer Research Institute, New York, NY
2007 Honorable Mention, Best Cytokine Research Paper of the Year,
NIH Cytokine Interest Group, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD
2008 Sutherland Award for Young Investigators Presentation, Midwest Society for
Pediatric Research, Cleveland, OH
2011 Fellows Teaching Award, Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital, Cleveland, OH
2014 Theresia G. & Stuart F. Kline Family Foundation Chair of Pediatric Oncology
2016 Inaugural Fellow, Harrington Discovery Institute at University Hospitals
2016 Faculty Diversity Award, cWRU School of Medicine
2017 John S. Diekhoff Award for Graduate Mentoring, CWRU
2017 Inaugural St. Baldrick's Foundation Innovation Award
Publications (My NCBI)
1. Yang, N.-C.C., Huang, A., Yang, D.-D.H. Photo-dehalogenation of 4-haloindole. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 111: 8060-8061, 1989
2. Huang, A.Y.C., Golumbek, P., Ahmadzadeh, M., Jaffee, E., Pardoll, D., Levitsky, H. Bone marrow-derived cells present MHC class I-restricted tumour antigens in priming of antitumour immune responses, Vaccines against virally induced cancers. Wiley, Chichester. 187: 229-244, 1994.
3. Huang, A.Y.C., Golumbek, P., Ahmadzadeh, M., Jaffee, E., Pardoll, D., Levitsky, H. Role of bone marrow-derived cells in presenting MHC class I-restricted tumor antigens. Science 264: 961-965, 1994.
4. Wu, T.-C., Huang, A.Y.C., Jaffee, E.M., Levitsky, H.I., Pardoll, D.M. A reassessment of the role of B7-1 expression in tumor rejection. J. Exp. Med. 182: 1415-1421,1995.
5. Woods, A.S., Huang, A.Y.C., Cotter, R., Pasternack, G.R., Pardoll, D.M., Jaffee, E.M. Simplified high sensitivity sequencing of MHC class I-immunoreactive peptides using matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry. Analytical Biochem. 226: 15-25,1995.
6. Wu, T.-C., Ling, Y., Kanayama, M.D., Huang, A.Y.C., Kurman, R.J. Localization of Epstein-Barr virus-encoded small RNA-1 by in situ reverse transcription: Demonstration of cDNA generation in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue sections. J. Biomedical Sci. 2: 249-255, 1995.
7. Huang, A.Y.C., Gulden, P., Woods, A.S., Thomas, M.C., Pasternack, G., Cotter, R., Hunt, D., Pardoll, D.M., Jaffee, E.M. The immunodominant MHC class I-restricted antigen of a murine colon tumor derives from an endogenous retroviral gene product. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93: 9730-9735, 1996.
8. Huang, A.Y.C., Bruce, A.T., Pardoll, D.M., Levitsky, H.I. In vivo cross-priming of MHC class I-restricted antigens requires the TAP transporter. Immunity 4: 349-355, 1996.
9. Huang, A.Y.C., Bruce, A.T., Pardoll, D.M., Levitsky, H.I. Does B7-1 expression confer antigen presenting cell capacity to tumors in vivo. J. Exp. Med. 183: 769-776, 1996.
10. Jaffee, E.M., Thomas, M.D., Huang, A.Y.C., Hauda, K.M., Levitsky, H.I., Pardoll, D.M. Enhanced immune priming with spatial distribution of paracrine cytokine vaccines. J. Immunotherapy 19: 176-183, 1996.
11. Chang, E.Y., Chen, C.H., Ji, H., Wang, T.L., Hung, K., Lee, B.P., Huang, A.Y., Kurman, R.J., Pardoll, D.M., Wu, T.-C. Antigen-specific cancer immunotherapy using a GM-CSF secreting allogeneic tumor cell-based vaccine. Int. J. Cancer 86: 725-730, 2000.
12. Huang, A.Y.C., Rigby, M.R. The immune response: Generation, regulation, and maintenance, Immunologic Disorders in Infants and Children. Edited by Steihm, E.R., Ochs, H.D., and Winkelstein, J.A. Saunders Publishing, 5th edition, 2004.
13. Huang, A.Y.C., Qi, H., Germain, R.N. Illuminating the landscape of in vivo immunity: insights from dynamic in situ imaging of secondary lymphoid tissues. Immunity 21:331-339, 2004.
14. Germain, R.N., Castellino, F., Chieppa, M., Egen, J., Huang, A.Y., Koo, L., Qi, H. An extended vision for dynamic high-resolution intravital immune imaging. Seminars in Immunology 17 (6): 431-441, 2005.
15. Castellino, F.*, Huang, A.Y.*, Altan-Bonnet, G., Stoll, S., Scheinecker, C., Germain, R.N. Chemokines enhance immunity by guiding naïve CD8+ T cells to sites of CD4+ T cell-dendritic cell interaction. Nature 440 (7086): 890-895, 2006 (*shared first authorship).
16. Bajenoff, M., Breart, B., Huang, A.Y.C., Qi, H., Braud, V., Germain, R.N., and Glaichenhaus, N. Natural killer cell behavior in lymph nodes revealed by static and real-time imaging. J. Exp. Med. 203 (3): 619-631, 2006.
17. Qi, H., Egen, J.G., Huang, A.Y.C., Germain, R.N. Extrafollicular B lymphocyte activation of lymph nodes by antigen-bearing dendritic cells. Science 312 (5780): 1672-1676, 2006.
18. Chieppa, M., Rescigno, M., Huang, A.Y., Germain, R.N. Dynamic imaging of dendritic cell extension into the small bowel lumen in response to epithelial cell TLR-engagement. J. Exp. Med. 203:2841-2852, 2006.
19. Huang, A.Y. Watching Immune Cells in Action. Biol. Blood Marrow Transplant 13:111-114, 2007.
20. Guarda, G., Hons, M., Soriano, S.F., Huang, A.Y., Polley, R., Martin-Fontecha, A., Stein, J.V., Germain, R.N., Lanzavecchia, A., Sallusto, F.: L-selectin-negative CCR7- effector and memory CD8+ T cells enter reactive lymph nodes and kill dendritic cells. Nature Immunology 8:743-752, 2007.
21. Bajenoff, M., Egen, J.G., Qi, H., Huang, A.Y., Castellino, F., Germain, R.N.: Highways, Byways, and Breadcrumbs: directing lymphocyte traffic in the lymph node. Trends in Immunology 28:346-35352, 2007.
22. Germain, R.N., Bajenoff, M., Castellino, F. Chieppa, M., Egen, J.G., Huang, A.Y., Ishii, M., Koo, L.Y., Qi, H.: Making friends in out-of-the-way places: how cells of the immuen system get together and how they conduct their business as revealed by intravital imaging. Immunological Reviews 221:163-181, 2008.
23. Tong, C., Barkauskas, D., Nthale, J., Bays, E., Su, C., Liou, H.-L.R., Huang, A.Y.: Visualizing Dynamic Immune Cell Interaction and Function with Two-photon Microscopy. Proceedings Microscopy & Microanalysis 14:152-153, 2008.
24. Huang AY. Bulging glands? Blame it on B cells. Blood. 2010: 115(23)4624-4626.
25. Myers J, Huang Y, Wei L, Yan Q, Huang A, Zhou L. Fucose-deficient hematopoietic stem cells have decreases self-renewal and aberrant marrow niche occupancy. Transfusion 2010; 50(12):2660-2669.
26. Simmons DP, Canaday DH, Liu Y, Li Q, Huang A, Boom WH, Harding CV. Mycobacgterium tuberculosis and TLR2 agonists inhibit induction of type I IFN and class I MHC antigen cross processing by TLR9. J. Immunol. 2010; 185(4):2405-2415.
27. Pareek, TK, Lam E, Zheng X, Askew D, Kulkarni AB, Chance MR, Huang AY, Cooke KR, Letterio JJ. Cyclin-dependent kinase 5 activity is required for T cell activation and induciton of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. J. Exp. Med. 2010; 207(11):2507-2519.
28. Lathia JD, Gallagher J, Myers JT, Li M, Vasanji A, McLendon RE, Hjelmeland AB, Huang AY, Rich JN. In vivo evidence for tumor propagation by glioblastoma cancer stem cells. PLoS One. 2011; 6(9):e24807. Epub 2011 Sep 22.
29. Liou HLR, Myers JT, Barkauskas DS, Huang AY. Intravital imaging of the mouse popliteal lymph node. J. Vis. Exp. 2012; Feb 8 (60); pii: 3720. doi:10.3791/3720
30. Huang AY, Myers JT, Barkauskas D, Howell SJ, Oleinick NL, McCormick TS, Cooper KD, Baron ED, Lam M. Cutaneous penetration of the topically applied photosensitizer Pc 4 as detected by intravital 2-photon laser scanning microscopy. Photodiag. Photodyn. Ther. 2012; Sep; 9(3):225-231
31. Mandl JN, Liou R, Klauschen F, Vrisekoop N, Monteiro JP, Yates AJ, Huang AY*, Germain RN*. Quantification of lymph node transit times reveals differences in antigen surveillance strategies of naive CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 2012; 109(44):18036-18041.
32. Huang AY, Haining WN, Barkauskas DS, Myers J, Petrosiute A, Garrett AP, Singh K, Cooke K, Kean LS. Viewing Transplant Immunology through Today's Lens: New Models, New Imaging and New Insights. Biol. Blood Marrow Transplant. 2013; 19(1 Suppl): S44-51.
33. Myers JT, Barkauskas DS, Huang AY. Dynamic imaging of marrow-resident granulocytes interacting with human mesenchymal stem cells upon systemic lipopolysaccharide challenge. Stem Cells Int. 2013; 2013:656839.
34. Barkauskas DS, Evans TA, Myers J, Petrosiute A, Silver J, Huang AY. Extravascular CX3CR1+ cells extend intravascular dendritic processes into intact central nervous system vessel lumen. Micros. Microanal. 2013; 19(4): 778-790.
35. Bobanga ID, Petrosiute A, Huang AY. Chemokines as Cancer Vaccine Adjuvants. Vaccines. 2013; 1:444-463.
36. Bodas P, Huang AY, O'Riordan MA, Sedor J, Dell KM. Prevalence of hypertension and abnormal kidney function in children with Sickle Cell Disease - a cross sectional review. BMC Nephrol. 2013; 14(1):237.
37.Scrimieri, F, Askew D, Corn DJ, Eid S, Bobanga ID, Bjelac JA, Tsao ML, Othman YS, Wang SG, Huang AY. Murine Leukemia Virus Envelope Gp70 is a Shared Biomarker for High-sensitivity Detection and Quantification of Murine Tumors. OncoImmunology 2(11): e26889, 2013.
38. Evans, T.A., Barkauskas, D.S., Myers, J., You, J.Q., Hare, E.G., Ransohoff, R., Silver, J., Huang, A.Y. High-resolution intravital imaging reveals that blood derived macrophages but not resident microglia facilitate secondary axonal dieback in traumatic spinal cord injury. Experimental Neurology 254: 109-120,2014
39. Cavalcanti, E., Vadrucci, E., Delvecchio, F., Addabbo, F., Bettini, S., Liou, H.-L.R., Huang, A.Y., Pizarro, T.T., Santino, A., Chieppa, M. Reconstituted oil bodies polyphenol mix administration efficiently suppress dendritic cell inflammatory pathway and acute intestinal inflammation. PLoS One 2014; 9(2): e88898.
40. Ravikumar, M., Sunil, S., Black, J., Barkauskas, D.S., Huang, A.Y., Miller, R.H., Selkirk, S.M., Capadona, J.R. Blood-derived macrophages dominate over resident microglia in mediating the neuroinflammatory response to implanted intracortical microelectrodes. Biomaterials. 2014; 35(28): 8049-8064.
41. Evans, T.A., Barkauskas, D.S., Myers, J.T., Huang, A.Y. Intravital imaging of dynamic axonal interactions with microglia and macrophages in the mouse dorsal column crush injury. J. Vis. Exp. 2014, (93), e52228.
42. Dorand, R.D., Barkauskas, D.S., Evans, T.A. Petrosiute, A., Huang, A.Y. Comparison of intravital thinned skull and cranial window approaches to study CNS immunobiology in the mouse cortex. IntraVital. 3:e29728, 2014
43. Myers JT, Petrosiute A, Huang AY. Utilization of multiphoton imaging for real-time fate determination of mesenchymal stem cells in an immunocompetent mouse model. J. Stem Cell Research & Therapy. 2015; 4(7) 217, 2014.
44. Owusu-Ansah A, Choi SH, Petrosiute A, Letterio JJ, Huang AY. Triterpenoid inducers of Nrf2 signaling as potential therapeutic agents in sickle cell disease - a review. Frontiers of Medicine 2014, DOI: 10.1007/s11684-015-0375-1.
45. Barkauskas DS, Dorand RD, Myers JT, Evans TA, Barkauskas KJ, Askew D, Purgert R, Huang AY. Focal transient CNS vessel leak provides a tissue niche for sequential immune cell accumulation during the asymptomatic phase of EAE induction. Experimental Neurology 2015; 266:74-85 (Read the article).
46. Wang W, Yu S, Zimmerman G, Wang Y, Myers J, Yu V, Huang D, Huang X, Shim J, Huang Y, Xin W, Qiao P, Yan M, Xin W, Scadden D, Stanley P, Low JB, Huang AY, siebel CW, Zhou L. Notch receptor-ligand engagement maintains hematopoietic stem cell quiescence and niche retention. Stem Cells 2015; 33(7): 2280-2293.
47. Omenetti S, Brogi M, Goodman WA, Croniger CM, Eid S, Huang AY, Laffi G, Roskams T, Gominelli F, Pinzani M, Pizarro T. Dysregulated intrahepatic CD4+ T-cell activation drives liver inflammation in ileitis-prone SAMP1/YitFc mice. Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2015; 1(4): 406-419.
48. Delvecchio FR, Vadrucci E, Cavalcanti E, De Santis S, Dale K, Vacca M, Myers J, Allen F, Bianco G, Huang AY, Monsurro V, Santino A, Chieppa M. Polyphenol administration impairs T-cell proliferation by imprinting a distinct dendritic cell maturation profile. European Journal of Immunology 2015; 45(9): 2638-2649.
49.Sinyuk M, Alvarado AG, Nesmiyanov P, Shaw J, Mulkearns-Hubert EE, Eurich JT, Hale JS, Bogdanova A, Hitomi M, Maciejewski J, Huang AY, Saunthararajah Y, Lathia JD. Cx25 contributes to leukemia cell communication and chemosensitivity. Oncotarget 2015; 6(31): 31508-31521.
50. Bhaskaran N, Quigley C, Weinberg A, Huang A, Popkin D, Pandiyan P. Transforming growth factor-b1 sustains the survival of Foxp3+ regulatory cells during late phase of oropharyngeal candidiasis infection. Mucosal Immunol. 2015; doi: 10.1038/mi.2015.115.
51. Wang, W., Zimmerman, G., Huang, X., Myers, J., Wang, Y., Moreton, S., Nthale, J., Awadalla, A., Beck, R., Wald, D., Xin, W., Huang, A.Y., Zhou, L. Abberant Notch signaling in acute lymphoblastic leukemia marrow suppresses osteoblasts and inhibits hematopoietic niche function. Cancer Research. 2016; pii: canres.2092.2015 [Epub ahead of print].
52. Askew, D., Su, C., Liou, R., Barkauskas, D., Dorand, R.D., Myers, J.T., Nthale, J., Huang, A.Y. Transient surface CCR5 expression by naive CD8+ T cells within inflamed lymph nodes is dependent on HEV interaction and augments helper T-cell dependent memory response. J. Immunol. 2016. In press.
53. Shukla, S.^, Dorand, R.D.^, Myers, J.T., Wood, S.E., Gulati, N.M., Stewart, P., Commandeur, U., Huang, A.Y.*, Steinmetz, N.F.* Multiple administration of viral nanoparticles alter in vivo behavior - insights from intravital microscopy. ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering 2016. In press. (^co-first authors; *co-senior and co-corresponding authors)
54. Allen F^, Tong AA^, Huang AY. Unique transcompartmental bridge: antigen-presenting cells sampling across endothelial and mucosal barriers. Frontiers in Immunology 2016. 7:231. doi: 10.3369/fimmu.2016.00231 (^co-first author)
55. Dorand RD, Nthale J, Myers JT, Barkauskas DS, Avril S, Chirieleison SM, Pareek TK, Abbott DW, Stearns DS, Letterio JJ, Huang AY^, Petrosiute AY^ Cdk5 disruption attenuates tumor PD-L1 expression and promotes anti-tumor immunity. Science 2016. 353(6297): 399-403. doi:10.1126/science.aae0477. (^co-senior authors)
56. Wilkerson A, Kim J, Huang AY, Zhang M. Nanoparticle systems modulating myeloid-derived suppressor cells for cancer immunotherapy. Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry 2017. 17(16): 1843-1857.
57. Askew D, Pareek T, Eid S, Ganguly S, Tyler AY, Letterio JJ, Cooke KR. Cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5) activity is required for generation of allogeneic T cell responses after hematopoietic cell transplantation in mice. Blood 2017. 129(2): 246-256.
58. Metheny L, Eid S, Lingas K, Reese J, Meyerson H, Tong A, de Lima M, Huang AY. Intra-osseous co-transplantation of CD34-selected umbilical cord blood and mesenchymal stromal cells. Hematology & Medical Oncology 2016. 1(1): 41-45.
59. Chung J, Ebens CL, Radojcic V, Perkey E, Koch U, Scarpellino L, Tong A, Allen F, Wood S, Feng J, Friedman A, Granadier D, tran IT, Chai Q, Onder L, Yan M, Reddy P, Blazar BR, Huang AY, Brennan TV, Bishop DK, Ludewig B, Siebel CW, Radtke F, Luther SA, Maillard I. Fibroblastic niches prime T cell alloimmunity through Delta-like Notch ligands. J. Clinical Investigation 2017. 127(4) 1574-1588.
60. Shukla S, Myers JT, Wood SE, Gong X, Czapar AE, Commandeur U, Huang AY, Levine A, Steinmetz NF. Plant viral nanoparticules-based HER2 vaccine: Immune response influenced by differential transport, localization and cellular interactions of particulate carriers. Biomaterials 2017. 121:15-27..
61. Tong AA^, Hashem H^, Eid S, Huang AY. Adoptive natural killer cell therapy is effective in reducing pulmonary metastasis of Ewing Sarcoma. OncoImmunology 2017; 6(4): e1303586 (^co-first authors)
62. Wang w, Yu S, Myers J, Wang Y, Xin WW, Alkabri M, Xin AW, Li M, Huang AY, Xin W, Siebel CW, Lazarus HM, Zhou L. Notch2 blockade enhances hematopoietic stem cell mobilization and homing. Haematological 2017; doi: 10.3324/haematol.2017.168674 ]Epub ahead of print]
63. Rathkey JK, Benson BL, Chirieleison SM, Yang J, Xiao TS, Dubyak GR, Huang AY, Abbott DW. Live cell visualization of gasdermin D-driven pyroptotic cell death. J Biol Chem 2017; doi: 10.1074/jbc.M117.797217 [Epub ahead of print]
64. Wang W, Yu S, Myers J, Wang Y, Xin WW, Alkabri M, Xin AW, Li M, Huang AY, Xin W, Siebel CW, Lazarus HM, Zhou L. Notch2 blockade enhances hematopoietic stem cell mobilization and homing. Haematological 2017; doi: 10.3324/haematol.2017.168674 ]Epub ahead of print]
65. Allen F, Bobanga I, Rauhe P, Barkauskas D, Teich N, Tong C, Myers J, Huang AY. CCL3 augments tumor rejection and enhances CD8+ T cell infiltration through NK and CD103+ dendritic cell recruitment via IFNgamma. OncoImmunology 2017. In press.
66. Allen F, Myers J, Tong AA, Rauhe P, Nathle J, Eid S, Huang AY. CCL3 augments antitumor immune priming in the tumor draining lymph node. Frontiers in Immunology 2017. In press.
67. Zhang M, Chun L, Sandoval V, Graor H, Myers J, Nthale J, Rauhe P, Senders Z, Choong K, Huang AY, Kim J. Systemic administration of beta-glucan of 200 kDa modulates melanoma microenvironment and suppresses metastatic cancer. OncoImmunology 2017. In press
68. Dorand RD, Petrosiute A, Huang AY. Multifactorial regulator of tumor PD-L1 response. Transl. Cancer Research 2017. In press.
69. Morrow J, et al. Positively selected enhancer elements endow tumor cells with metastatic competence. Nature Medicine 2018. In press.
70. Metheny L, et al. Post-transplant intramuscular injection of PLX-R18 mesenchymal-like adherent stromal cells improves human hematopoietic engraftment in a murine transplant model. Frontiers in Medicine 2018. In press.
71. Zhang M, Kim J, Huang AY. Optimizing tumor microenvironment for cancer immunotherapy: beta-glucan-based nanoparticles. Frontiers in Immunology 2018. In press.
[for more recent papers, see PUBLICATIONS]
Invited Lectures
1. Colorado State University 21st Annual Symposium, Genetic and Therapeutic Aspects of Cancer: What’s on the Horizon? “Development of an antigen-specific tumor vaccine”, CO, February 11, 1995
2. National Taiwan University, “Immunotherapy and cancer vaccine development”, Taipei, Taiwan, May, 1997
3. Changhua Christian Hospital, “Recent development in tumor immunology”, Changhua, Taiwan, May, 1997
4. NIH Immunology Interest Group Retreat, “Two-photon imaging of immune cell interactions and trafficking in vivo”, Airlie, VA, October 20, 2003
5. LI/LCMI Research Seminar, “Dynamic in situ imaging reveals the impact of self and foreign antigens on DC-T cell interactions”, NIH, Bethesda, MD, September 30, 2004
6. NIH Immunology Interest Group Retreat, “Impact of self and foreign antigens on DC-T cell interactions as revealed by dynamic in situ two-photon imaging”, Airlie, VA, October 13, 2004
7. Emory University, “Dynamic in situ imaging of immunity: impact of self and foreign antigens on DC-T cell interactions”, Atlanta, GA, November 17, 2004
8. Pediatric Oncology Branch Friday Morning Seminar Series, NIH, “Dynamic in situ imaging of immunity”, Bethesda, MD, December 3, 2004
9. The American Society for Cell Biology 44th Annual Meeting, Minisymposium on Cell Biology of the Immune System, “Impact of self and foreign antigen recognition on T cell interactions with dendritic cells as revealed by dynamic in situ two-photon imaging”, Washington, DC, December 5, 2004
10. Basic Aspects of Tumor Immunology II, Keystone Symposia, “Imaging immune cell function in situ”, Keystone, CO, March 21, 2005
11. China Medical University & Hospital, “Imaging immune cell function in situ”, Taichung, Taiwan, July 15, 2005
12. Changhua Christian Hospital, “Imaging immune cell function in situ: Visualizing chemokine-guided recruitment of naïve CD8+ T cells to sites of antigen-dependent CD4+ T cell – dendritic cell interaction”, Chuanghua, Taiwan, July 19, 2005
13. NIH Immunology Interest Group Retreat, “Visualizing chemokine-guided recruitment of naïve CD8+ T cell to sites of antigen-dependent CD4+ T cell – dendritic cell interaction in situ”, Airlie, VA, September 21, 2005
14. Cancer Vaccines 2005 - The Next Decade: A Report from the World, Plenary “Visualizing inflammatory chemokine-guided recruitment of naïve CD8+ T cells to sites of antigen-dependent CD4+ T cell – dendritic cell interactions in situ”, New York, NY, October 5, 2005
15. Food & Drug Administration, “Visualizing immunity in situ”, Bethesda, MD, December 16, 2005
16. Scanning 2006, Plenary “Dynamic high resolution imaging of immune cell behavior using intra-vital two-photon microscopy”, Washington, DC, April 25, 2006
17. BMT Tandem Meeting 2007, Plenary: “Watching immune cells in action”, Keystone, Colorado. February 9, 2007
18. 22nd Annual Congress of the European Association of Urology, Plenary: “Imaging of immune cells trafficking”, Berlin, Germany. March 23, 2007
19. Anti-Tumor Immunotherapies, Keystone Symposia, “Chemokine Guidance of Cellular Cooperation During Primary Adaptive Immune Response”, Banff, Canada, March 31, 2007
20. New Faculty Symposia, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, “A Picture Tells a Thousand Words: Dynamic High Resolution Imaging of Immune Cellular Cooperation In Vivo”, Cleveland, Ohio. April 18, 2007
21. Case Comprehensive Cancer Center Annual Retreat, Program 6, “DynamicSingle-cell Imaging In Situ”, Painesville, Ohio. July 14, 2007
22. Department of Medical Microbiology & Immunology / Infection, Immunity & Transplantation Seminar, University of Toledo Health Science Campus, “Visualizing Immune Cellular Trafficking and Response In Situ”, Toledo, Ohio. September 12, 2007
23. Molecular Pathology Seminar Series, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, “Close Encounter of the Right Kind: Understanding Immune Response in Tissue Milieu”, Baltimore, Maryland. October 17, 2007
24. Immunology Seminar Series, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, “Dynamic Imaging of Immune Cell Behavior In Situ”, Cleveland, Ohio. October 30, 2007
25. 2008 Rammelkamp Research Conference, the MetroHealth System, "Imaging Dynamic Immune Cell Behavior In Situ", Cleveland, Ohio. February 28, 2008
26. CWRU Biomathematical Forum, "Measuring Dynamic Cellular Behavior In Vivo", Cleveland, Ohio. April 25, 2008
27. Microscopy & Microanalysis 2008, Structural Basis of Disease, “Visualizing Dynamic Immune Cell Interaction and Function with Two-photon Microscopy”, Albuquerque, NM. August 7, 2008.
28. Immunotherapy in Pediatric Oncology: Progress and Challenges, "Regulation of inflammatory Chemokine Receptor, CCR5: Its Role in Naive T Cell Memory Generation and Tumor Rejection", National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD. September 10, 2008.
29. Department of Pharmacology Seminar Series, "Role of Inflammatory Chemokines in Naive T Cell Activation and Tumor Rejection", Case Western Reserve University, September 16, 2008.
30. Midwest Society for Pediatric Research 49th Annual Meeting, "Role of Chemokine Receptor CCR5 on Naive T Cell for Memory Formation and Tumor Rejection", Cleveland, OH. October 16, 2008.
31. Child Health Research Center Annual Retreat, "Role of Inflammatory Chemokines in T Cell Memeory Generation and Tumor Rejection as Revealed by Real-time 2-photon Microscopy", National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICH). The Woodlands, Texas. November 7, 2008.
32. Department of Immunology Seminar Series, "Orchestrating Adaptive Immunity with Inflammatory Chemokines: Visualizing In Vivo Immunity with 2-Photon Microscopy", National Jewish Medical and Research Center. Denver, CO. November 19, 2008.
(last updated 12/2008)
33. Department of Orthopedics Research Seminar Series, “The Power of Observation: Lessons and Potentials of 2-Photon Microscopy”, Cleveland, OH. December 9, 2008.
34. Department of immunology Seminar Series at Cleveland Clinic Foundation, “Utilization of Inflammatory Chemokines by Naïve T Cells in Orchestrating Adaptive Immunity In Vivo,” Cleveland, OH. January 21, 2009.
35. Department of Physiology & Biophysics Seminar Series, “Visualizing Immune Responses in Tissue Milieu,” Cleveland, OH. February 2, 2009.
36. Rainbow Fellowship Research Seminar, “Turning Science into a Spectator Sport: Dynamic High Resolution Imaging of Immune Responses In Vivo,” Cleveland, OH. February 10, 2009.
37. Case Comprehensive Cancer Center Scientific Series, “Role of Tumor Microenvironment on Immune Cell Trafficking and Function in situ,” Cleveland, OH. May 11, 2009.
38. Microscopy & Microanalysis 2009, Intravital Imaging of Cancer and Associated Cellular Response, Visualizing Immune Surveillance in Tumor Microenvironment with Two-photon Microscopy”, Richmond, VA. July 29, 2009.
39. Medical Scientist Training Program monthly dinner seminar series, “Turning In Vivo Immunology into a Spectator Sport”, Cleveland, OH. October 22, 2009.
40.Center for Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Annual Retreat, Cool Technologies, “Intravital 2-Photon Laser Scanning Microscopy”, Orange, OH. November 6, 2009
41. Keynote Speaker, Annual Meeting of the Microscopy Society of North East Ohio (MSNEO), “New Insights into Regulating Cellular Cooperation and Immunity Generation as Revealed by Intravital Two-photon Microscopy”, Cleveland, OH. November 10, 2009.
42. Scientific Seminar Series, Athrysis Inc., “Orchestrating cellular cooperation in vivo with inflammatory chemokines”, Cleveland, OH. December 17, 2009
43. Case Cardiovascular Research Institute Seminar Series (CRISS), “Witnessing in vivo cellular communication in high definition”, Cleveland, OH. May 5, 2010.
44. National Heart, Lung & Blood (NHLB) / CWRU Minority Summer Research Program Seminar Series, “Turning Science into a Spectator Sport”, Cleveland, OH. June 22, 2010.
45.Case Comprehensive Cancer Center Annual Retreat, Program 5, Huron, OH. July 9, 2010.
46.4th Annual Case Cardiovascular Center Research Retreat, “Lymphocyte Behavior during Antigen Surveillance In Vivo”, Cleveland, OH. September 30, 2010
47. Immunology Training Program Retreat, October 9, 2010
48. SDRC Grand Round Speaker, Cleveland OH. October 14, 2010.
49. Orthopedic Research Seminar, “Examining Tissue Surveillance by Immune Cells in High Definition”, Cleveland, OH, November 9, 2010.
50.Cancer Imaging Program, Case Comprehensive Cancer Center, February 28, 2011
51.Scientific Progress Symposium, Case Comprehensive Cancer Center, April 21, 2011
52. Cancer Center Research in Progress Seminar Series, Case Comprehensive Cancer Center, June 3, 2011
53. Annual Scientific Retreat, Case Comprehensive Cancer Center, July 8, 2011
54. Translational Hematology & Oncology Research (THOR) lecture series, Taussig Cancer Institute, the Cleveland Clinic, July 12, 2011
55.M&M2011 Annual Meeting Symposium on Imaging Tumor Microenvironment, “Direct Visualization of Tumor Propagation by Cancer Stem Cells and Associated Tissue Responses”, Nashville, TN, August 15, 2011
56.MSC 2011: Innovations in Cell-Based Regenerative Therapies, “Imaging Single-Cell Dynamics In Vivo with Intravital Multiphoton Microscopy”, Cleveland OH, August 24, 2011
57.Iowa Microscopy Society Fall Meeting 2011, “Tracking Immunity and Tissue Responses In Vivo with Intravital Multiphoton Microscopy”, Iowa City, IA, November 4, 2011
58. Department of Pediatric, Washington University School of Medicine, “Dynamic and Sequential Tracking of Immunity and Tissue Responses In Vivo”, St. Louis, MO, January 9, 2012
59. CCCC Stem Cell Pilot Project Research in Progress, Cleveland, OH, April 12, 2012
60. New Horizons in Research Imaging, “Longitudinal dynamic tracking of in vivo immunity and tissue responses with two-photon microscopy”, Omaha, NE, April 20, 2012
61. 3rd Bi-Annual Ohio Neuro-Oncology Consortium Meeting, “Pre-clinical high-resolution dynamic CNS imaging”, Columbus, OH, May 7, 2012
62. Pediatric Cancer Platform Talk, ASCO Annual meeting, Chicago, IL, June 4, 2012
63. Cancer Center Research in Progress Talk, “Tracking neutrophil mobilization in the bone marrow”, Cleveland, OH, May 11, 2012
64. MSTP Retreat Speaker, CWRU SOM, Ponderson State Park, OH, July 9, 2012
65. Ohio NCRM Retreat Speaker, Ohio State, Mohican State Park, OH, August 17-18, 2012
66. Dialogue On Discovery Panel, Cleveland, OH September 14, 2012
67. Imaging 2020 Planery Speaker, Session XI – Imaging Immunological Response, Jackson Hole, WM, October 4, 2012
68. BME Departmental Seminar, CWRU, Cleveland, OH, October 18, 2012
69. New York Medical College Department of Microbiology & Immunology Seminar, NY, November 12, 2012
70. Platform Speaker, 3rd Gabrielle’s Angel Foundation Annual Meeting, New York, NY, November 13, 2012
71. Session Speaker, Pediatric BMT Program, 2013 Tandem BMT Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, February 14, 2013
72. Grand Round, Department of Pediatrics, Changhua Christian Hospital, “Immune Cell Behavior in Tissues”, Changhua, Taiwan, June 18, 2013
73. Pediatric Oncology Branch, National Cancer Institute / NIH, Bethesda, Maryland, September 19, 2013
74. Session Speaker on Innate Immunity, CWRU Immunology Training Program Annual Retreat. “Lymphocyte Behavior 2.0: In the Lymph Node and Beyond”, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio, September 27, 2013.
75.Platform Speaker, Session 1: Tumor Microenvironment, 21st Annual Immunotherapy Symposium, “Cancer Immunotherapy 2013: Dynamics of Host Tumor Interaction”, New York City, New York, September 30, 2013.
76. Cancer Imaging Program Retreat, Case Comprehensive Cancer Center, Cleveland, Ohio, October 9, 2013.
77. Department of Stem Cell Biology & Regenerative Medicine Seminar, Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland, Ohio. October 31, 2013.
78. Invited speaker, Tumor Immunology / Immunotherapy Retreat, Case Comprehensive Cancer Center Initiative, Cleveland, OH, November 15, 2013.
(as of November 2013)